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My Response To @BillboardChris's Assault

What happened to @BillboardChris in the @CityofVancouver is nothing other than #TransTerrorism happening globally. This ideology has stopped at nothing to go after you, your children, your well-being, and society.

Chris went to a park for an open dialogue, as you have seen him do thousands of times across North America. He has spoken with Trans, non-binary, and other identities people who claim to be. I have enjoyed seeing this partake in Anaheim, Ca, for the first do-no-harm rally, where I watched Chris interview multiple people.

During his interviews in Vancouver, he was brutally assaulted by what appeared to be a transgender individual who grabbed him by his neck and threw him to the ground shortly after his attacker walked free unquestioned by the police. Chris suffered minor injuries.

This terrorist organization, "LGBTQIA+2A,” has made its agenda clear; they are coming for world dominance and blood. Governments across this planet should take swift action to erase this organization from existence and stop these horrific actions from taking place.

This is not homophobia; it is wanting our society to live peacefully without hindering one’s ability to raise their child without outside influence, without someone telling them how to be, and without society pressuring them to be someone or something they are not.

I support Billboard Chris with his long journey of ending child mutilation under the guise of LGBT/ inclusivity. I condemn the actions that were NOT taken by the @VancouverPD, which further proves that gays have the ultimate privilege in this world. They can terrorize, beat, attack, and try to kill you without criminalization.

This is where we are at as a world.

An officer named Frederike Buchmann stood and laughed at him while he was expressing his assaults; this officer was previously found engaging in misconduct when she notified an indigenous woman of her son’s death, a judge found.

We allow people to do whatever they want simply because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Every single terrorist that supported what happened to Chis should be entirely held accountable by the law. If we continue to allow these actions to take place, it is just a matter of time before we live in a lawless society because of the terrorist group called LGBTQIA+2A.

-Frank Rodriguez

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